Certification and Memberships
PEFC certification

PEFC certification means we the timber use in our greenhouses comes from sources which are correctly Maintained and include schemes to improve biodeiversity. The PEFC organisation also protect forestry which includes ecologically valuable areas and prevent deforestation and over logging. The PEFC scheme also prohibits the use genetically modifed organisms.
PEFC also goes further to protects the rights, safety and wellbeign of people working in the forestry and respect any land usage rights.
Using the PEFC scheme Woodpecker Joinery has a chain of custody proceedure which provides a mechenism for tracking PEFC certified materials from the forest, through manufacture to a finished Woodpecker product. Woodpecker’s PEFC certification assurse all our timber is sourced from a safe, sustainably managed forest.
Our Western Red Cedar timber greenhouses, coldframes and cedar staging are available as a PEFC certified product on request.
Member of the timber trade federation

The TTF is the largest representative body for the whole timber supply chain in the UK. The TTF support commitment to Environmental Due Diligence and compliance with the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR). The TTF also provides support to maintain the responsible purchasing of Wood products and further relates this back to sustainable construction.
The TTF runs the “Forests for ever” campaign launched in the early 1990’s which requires members approval of an sustainable code of Practice. TTF Code of Conduct sets out these principles by which all TTF Members agree to behave. This in turn sets out the high standards of professionalism and integrity they should apply to their business.
Some of these principles include –
- Members must conduct their businesses lawfully and comply with all relevant legislation and trade fairly and responsibly.
- No Member shall require any producer or seller to supply any product deliberately mis-marked or unmarked, which may give a false impression of the grade, dimension, structural grade or origin of the goods in question.
- Members having ownership of stock undertake to carry out random consignment inspections in respect of both imported and locally purchased products in order to verify that all product markings and descriptions accord with the requirements of the Code of Practice.
Sustainability Code of Practice –
- Members must make a public commitment to source timber and timber products from legal and well-managed forests and recognise that third-party certification schemes are the most useful tool in providing assurances.
- Members will implement within their procurement/purchasing function a due diligence system in line with the TTF Codes; Core Criteria for Procurement Due Diligence; Members will make every reasonable effort to minimise their material environmental impacts, including but not exclusively: – Carbon Emissions, through efficient use of energy and fuel – Waste, through efficient use of material resources
The Guild of Master Craftsmen
The Guild of Master Craftsmen continues a long established tradition of bringing together skilled artisans engaged in a trade, craft or profession in order to safeguard the interests of the public and ensure they receive a premium service from recommended tradesmen. Rogue tradesmen can produce substandard work, this can be hard to spot when you are meeting a supplier for the first time, and without using a carefully vetted member of The Guild of Master Craftsmen you may be putting yourself at risk. The Guild of Master Craftsmen provides the public with skilled, local tradesmen you can trust.
All Guild members are thoroughly assessed to earn the right to be called master craftsmen. Once accepted into membership, they are required to maintain and uphold the Guild’s stringent professional criteria. In the event of any dispute between customer and tradesman, The Guild of Master Craftsmen has an effective, proven procedure for conciliation.